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On This Day In Buffalo

Monday, February 17

Holly Water Works system completed in Buffalo, 1871

Death of George Birge, 1918

NHL All-Star Hockey Game, 1959

Memorial Auditorium

Tuesday, February 18

East Buffalo YMCA opens, 1889

One foot of snow covers Buffalo, 1909

Prototype Playboy sports car unveiled, 1947

Hotel Statler, Buffalo, NY

Terry Pegula buys the Sabres, 2011

Wednesday, February 19

Tralfamadore Club Opens, 1982

Theater Place, Main St.

Edward A. Kent born, 1854

Bangor, ME

International Railway Co. incorporated, 1902

Presbyterian Meeting House dedicated, 1835

Alden, NY 14004, USA

Thursday, February 20

Lincoln statue bequeathed for Delaware Park, 1934

Anthony "Baby Face" Palmisano Dies, 1934

Friday, February 21

African Cultural Center incorporated, 1966

350 Masten Ave, Buffalo, NY 14209, USA

Buffalo Linseed Oil Works destroyed by fire, 1881

Fire damages several floors in the Guaranty Building, 1974

Guaranty Building, 140 Pearl St, Buffalo, NY 14202, United States

Mechanics Institute organized, 1865

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